3rd Annual Conference HSE 2017

24.4.2017 - 26.4.2017
Místo konání:
Malek Building Centre A3-6, Tunis - Tunisko

Manage and operate a company without risk of accident and without endangering human life, requires nowadays a strong adaptability and the establishment of a systemHSE very efficient . Today , the function HSE is called to take a leading role in the management of companies. Indeed, the preservation of human life , human safety , property and the environment requires the implementation of good occupational risk prevention practices including improvement of working conditions. Therefore , the company is expected to achieve a good level of performance in Health , Safety and Environment.

The central theme of the Annual ConferenceHSE 2017 is: HSE & RISQUE MANAGEMENT

A key theme of more than one message for Managers, Executives , Engineers and the ManagersHSE and their Collaborators . This is a great opportunity for knowledge enrichment HSE and exchange of experience. In addition to the Opening Ceremony and Official Closing the program of the Annual Conference HSE 2017, revolves around five sessions over two communications dealing with themesHSE of interest and current events . The sessions of the conference program will be chaired and conducted by experts of the World Management, the relevant Trades and HSE.

The official conference language is French. 
Simultaneous translation will be provided for all plenary sessions as well as for specialized sessions.

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Seznam termínů

  • Od 24.4.2017 do 26.4.2017

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