Workers in the Cold

Semináře, kurzy
19.3.2019 - 21.3.2019
Místo konání:
Clarion Hotel The Edge, Tromsø - Kaigata 6
Tromsø, Norway

This course focuses on challenges for outdoor workers in areas with cold climate. It has a holistic approach from basal physiology to treatment options, and both present status and future perspectives will be discussed.

Course objectives

The course will increase the participants’ knowledge about challenges related to working in cold areas. It will give insight into physiological mechanisms, as well as clinical aspects and treatment options. It will also present recent developments of clothing and protective equipment to cope with challenges related to operating in cold areas.

We offer the possibility to display a wall poster of a topic of your interest during the course. The poster can be about you research or practical work that you would like to share with others. 

Course outline

Lectures, discussions, practical experience, excursion

Main topics

Cold climate: Workplaces, tourism, cold-related accidents/hypothermia

Target group

  • Researchers
  • Occupational hygienists
  • Junior and senior practitioners
  • Others interested in the field of occupational health and safety, as well as those practicing in areas with cold climate.



Registration deadline

January 14th 2019


Seznam termínů

  • Od 19.3.2019 do 21.3.2019

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